Research Articles
- A.M. Gouw, L.Eberlin, K. Margulis, D.Sullivan, G. Toal, L. Tong, R. Zare, D.W. Felsher. Oncogene KRAS activates fatty acid synthase, resulting in specific ERK and lipid signatures associated with lung adenocarcinoma. PNAS 2017114 (17):4300-4305.
- Shroff EH, Eberlin LS, Dang VM, Gouw AM, Gabay M, Adam SJ, Bellovin DI, Tran PT, Philbrick WM, Garcia-Ocana A, Casey SC, Li Y, Dang CV, Zare RN, Felsher, D. W. MYC oncogene overexpression drives renal cell carcinoma in a mouse model through glutamine metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 May 26;112(21):6539-44. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1507228112. Epub 2015 May 11. PMCID: PMC4450371
- A. Le, A.N. Lane, M. Hamaker, S. Bose, A. Gouw, J. Barbi, T. Tsukamoto, C.J. Rojas, B.S. Slusher, H. Zhang, L.J. Zimmerman, D.C. Liebler, R. J. Slebos, P.K. Lorkiewicz, R. M. Higashi, T.W. Fan, C.V.Dang. Glucose-independent glutamine metabolism via TCA cycling for proliferation and survival in B cells. Cell Metabolism. 2012 Jan 4;15(1):110-21 PMID 22225880
- A. Le, C.R. Cooper, A.M. Gouw, R. Dinavahi, L.M. Deck, R.E. Royer, D.L.V. Jagt, C.V. Dang. Inhibition of Lactate Dehydrogenase A triggers oxidative stress, cell death and diminishes in vivo tumor xenograft growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Feb 2;107(5):2037-42. Epub 2010 Jan 19. PMID 20133848
- Y. Xiang, Z.E. Stine, J. Xia, Y. Lu, B.J. Altman, A.L. Hsieh, A.M. Gouw, A. G. Thomas, P. Gao, L. Sun, L. Song, B. Yan, B.S. Slusher, J. Zhuo, L. L. Ooi, C.G.L. Lee, A. Mancuso, A.S.. McCallion, A. Le, S. Rayport, D.W. Felsher, C.V. Dang. On-target inhibition of glutaminase diminishes cell autonomous tumorigenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigations 2015 125(6):2293-306. PMID 25915584
- A. Le, Z.E. Stine, C. Nguyen, J. Afzal, P. Sun, M. Hamaker, N. Siegel, A.M. Gouw, B. Kang, S, Yu, R. Cochran, K.A. Sailor, H.J. Song, C.V. Dang. HypoxCR: a novel fluorescence protein reporter system to envisage differential responses of cells to hypoxia. PNAS 2014 111(34): 12486-91 PMID 2511422
- B. J. Altman, A. L. Hsieh, A. Venkataraman, A. M. Gouw, Z. E. Stine, B. Li, P. Goraksha-Hicks, S. Diskin, D. Bellovin, M. C. Simon, J. C. Rathmell, M. A. Lazar, J. M. Maris, D. W. Felsher, J.B. Hogenesch, C. V. Dang. MYC disruption of the molecular clock in cancer cells. Cell Metab. 2015 Sep 16. pii: S1550-4131(15)00460-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2015.09.003 PMID 26387865
- E.H. Shroff, V.M. Dang, L. Eberlin, A.M. Gouw, M. Gabay, S.J. Adam, D.I. Bellovin, P. Tran, S.C. Casey, Y. Li, R.V. Nair, S. Plevritis, R. Zare, C.V. Dang, D.W. Felsher. Myc Initiates and Maintains Glutamine-Addicted Renal Cell Adenocarcinoma. PNAS 2015 112 (21): 6539-44. PMID 25964345
- L. Eberlin, M. Gabay, A. Fan, A.M. Gouw, R. Tibshirani, D.W. Felsher, R. Zare. Alterations of the Lipid Profile in Lymphomas Induced by MYC Overexpression. PNAS 2014 111(29):10450-5. PMID 24994904
- S.C. Casey, L. Tong, Y.Li, R. Do, S. Walz, K. Fitzgerald, A.M. Gouw, V. Baylot, I. Guetgemann, M. Eilers, D. W. Felsher. MYC regulates the Anti-Tumor Immune Response through CD47 and PD-L1. Science 2016 Apr 8;352(6282):227-31.